ePress marketing materials

The ePress marketing materials have been produced for distributors of the service, to inform about the availability of the service and to guide users.
Take advantage of comprehensive guides

Take advantage of comprehensive marketing materials

ePress marketing materials

As a distributor of the ePress service, you will have access to our comprehensive resource bank, which you can use to inform your customers about the availability and use of the service in your office, online and on social media.

Printed and self-printed materials

In ePress signage materials you will find ready-made materials for printed signage such as posters, stickers and table stands, as well as printable versions. We also offer ready-made materials for online use.

ePress materials

Downloadable ePress materials

Marketing materials for libraries

Printed and self-printed materials: posters, flyers, stickers and Some & Digital materials.

Marketing materials for distributors

Printed and self-printed materials: posters, flyers, stickers and Some & Digital materials.

ePress® logos and guidelines

ePress logos and graphic guidelines for use in partner’s own materials.

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