Publish content on ePress
Benefits of the service for the publisher
Why publish on ePress?
ePress increases sales and circulation
ePress increases sales and circulation
Working for the environment and sustainable development
Working for the environment and sustainable development
Advanced monitoring and analytics
Advanced monitoring and analytics
Reach readers through more than 1000+ HotSpots
More than 90% of libraries offer ePress to their customers
More than 90% of Finnish libraries already have ePress service, offering the service to their customers both on customer terminals and on their own devices via WiFi and the library network.
Other public spaces and ePress distributors
ePress is available in a wide range of public spaces, including restaurants, cafés, hotels, hairdressing salons, health centres, waiting and lobby areas, offices and customer service points.
Real-time content monitoring
Track and analyse content usage
ePress Partners & Analytics® Partner Portal
With the ePress Partners & Analytics management portal, you can track the number of readers, reads and views of all the content you publish on the service, as well as the behaviour of readers on your content in real time.
Advanced analytics and reporting tools
In addition to basic data and analytics, you will receive detailed information on service usage by time of day, by terminal, by region, as well as heatmaps and comparative statistics by content and category.
Audio Magazines
New audio availability
Popular titles also available in audio versions
ePress Audio® also brings the most popular newspapers and magazines to its users in audible audio versions.
ePress Audio® - High quality audio versions
ePress Audio audio versions are implemented using advanced "text-to-speech" technology, which allows text to be converted and distributed as high-quality audio input, i.e. real-sounding speech.
ePress AI
Mobile-optimised text view
Tabular content also in text view
In most cases, the basis of a magazine or newspaper is that it is presented to the reader in the same layout as the printed magazine. This can bring challenges for reading the content on a mobile screen, for example.
ePress Text® - Mobile optimised text view
ePress Text is ePress' intelligent reading experience feature that detects text content in visual pages and transforms it into a formatted, unformatted text view optimised for the reader's device.
ePress AI
Mobile-optimised text view
Tabular content also in text view
In most cases, the basis of a magazine is that it is presented to the reader in the same layout as the printed magazine. This can bring challenges for reading the magazine on a mobile screen, for example.
ePress Text® - Mobile optimised text view
ePress Text is ePress' intelligent reading experience feature that detects text content in visual pages and transforms it into a formatted, unformatted text view optimised for the reader's device.
Contact us and become our distributor
Contact us for screen optimised text display
Contents in different languages
Translation versions in the language of the reader's choice
ePress translates content into the reader's own language
ePress' intelligent translation feature helps publishers to reach foreign-language readers of their content who use the service at ePress distribution points.
ePress Translate® - Automatic translations
ePress Translate is ePress's intelligent translation tool, which translates the content of the ePress text view flawlessly into the language of the reader's choice.
Single-copy sales of digital magazines - Single-copy sales
Lehtiluukku is a digital magazine service that has been operating since 2008, offering consumers an easy way to buy and read single issues of digital magazines.
Seamless data delivery
When you add your content to ePress, you can also distribute it on with one and the same delivery.
Check out the service and book an ePress meeting
Frequently asked questions
What is the ePress service?
ePress® is a digital magazine service that provides readers with easy, device-independent access to the visual magazines of the major publishers. The service is available through more than 1000 ePress reading points nationwide and its magazines are read nearly 7 million times a year. In addition to the visual magazines, ePress also offers the most popular content in audio versions that can be listened to, as well as a text view optimised for mobile screens in the language of the reader’s choice.
What are ePress bookmarks?
ePress is already used through more than 1,000 reading points provided by service provider partners. For example, more than 90% of Finnish libraries offer ePress to their own customers, both at the library’s customer terminals and remotely on customers’ own devices via the library network. In addition, ePress is used in health centres, hairdressing chains, the travel and accommodation sector and numerous public spaces throughout the country.
How can I publish on ePress?
The cornerstone of ePress is straightforwardness and ease of use for readers, distributors and publishers alike. To publish magazines on ePress, all the publisher needs is the PDF file to go to press. Visual magazines are converted by ePress into the service’s magazine archive and offered to more than 1000 distribution points for activation by their own customers. In addition to the previews, the content can also be published in audio-listening versions, as well as mobile-optimised text view and translation versions. Become an ePress publisher by contacting us by email:
What are the benefits for the publisher of publishing in ePress?
By adding your content to ePress, you can reach readers in our rapidly growing network of distribution outlets efficiently and device-independently. ePress offers publishers an easy and technologically advanced sales and distribution channel for all digital content, as well as the widest coverage in the country in both the public sector and direct-to-consumer sales through
What is ePress Partners & Analytics?
ePress Partners & Analytics is an advanced management and analytics portal for ePress partners that allows you to track the readership, readership and impressions of all the content you publish on the service, as well as the behaviour of readers on your content in real time.
Frequently asked questions
Find answers to common questions about the range and use of digital magazines.
What is the ePress service?
What are ePress HotSpots?
ePress is already used through more than 1,000 HotSpots provided by service distributor partners. For example, more than 90% of Finnish libraries offer ePress to their own customers, both at the library’s customer terminals and remotely on customers’ own devices via the library network. In addition, ePress is used in health centres, schools, public institutions, hairdressing chains, the travel and hospitality sector and numerous other public spaces.
How can I publish on ePress?
The cornerstone of ePress is straightforwardness and ease of use for readers, distributors and publishers alike. To publish magazines on ePress, all the publisher needs is the PDF file to go to press. Visual magazines are converted by ePress into the service’s magazine archive and offered to more than 1000 distribution points for activation by their own customers. In addition to the previews, the content can also be published in audio-listening versions, as well as mobile-optimised text view and translation versions. Become an ePress publisher by contacting us by email:
What are the benefits for the publisher of publishing in ePress?
By adding your content to ePress, you can reach readers in our rapidly growing network of distribution outlets efficiently and device-independently. ePress offers publishers an easy and technologically advanced sales and distribution channel for all digital content, as well as the widest coverage in the country in both the public sector and direct-to-consumer sales through
What is ePress Partners & Analytics?
ePress Partners & Analytics is an advanced management and analytics portal for ePress partners that allows you to track the readership, readership and impressions of all the content you publish on the service, as well as the behaviour of readers on your content in real time.