Blowing the whistle
ePress Nordic’s Code of Conduct guides our daily work and is based on our company values and the international UN Global Compact principles. We are committed to corporate, environmental and social responsibility in all our activities. The Code of Conduct binds all our staff to act in accordance with our shared values and principles. Every employee of the company has a responsibility to comply with the Code of Ethics in their daily work.
We comply with the laws in force
We do not condone breaking the law and we will never encourage or instruct anyone to break the law. We respect collective agreements and their spirit.
We respect human rights and treat each other equally and equally
We are committed to respecting internationally recognised human rights in all our activities. We do not accept human rights violations in any form. We respect the individual and do not tolerate discrimination, harassment, intimidation or abuse. We respect the freedom of association and the freedom to organise professionally.
We avoid conflicts of interest
We avoid situations that are or may be considered to be in conflict with the employee’s personal and business interests. The pursuit of self-interest or the interests of a close relative in the performance of job duties is unacceptable.
Personal relationships do not influence our decision-making.
We are loyal
We do not share confidential information obtained in the course of our work with anyone other than the parties concerned. We ensure that confidential information is not disclosed to third parties.
We also take care of the security of electronic tools. We represent the company and its activities in an appropriate manner in relation to all stakeholders.
We always act in the best interests of your business.
We say no to bribery
We do not accept bribery in any form. We do not accept bribes or other benefits that could be considered corruption. We do not pay bribes to our business partners, public authorities or other partners. We will show hospitality in moderation and at the appropriate time. For example, during negotiations on cooperation agreements, we never give even modest gifts to our negotiating partners.
We respect the environment
We actively monitor the environmental and climate impact of our operations and reduce the amount of waste they generate. We sort and recycle waste wherever possible. In our procurement activities, we give priority to environmentally friendly choices.
We require our suppliers, subcontractors and other partners to comply with our ethical principles.
We treat our business partners fairly and equally. We are a trustworthy partner and respect intellectual property rights. We believe in open and fair competition and comply with the competition laws in force. We will not engage in any activity that is intended to prevent or restrict open and fair competition. We also expect our partners and other stakeholders to follow the same principles.
Any activity that may be in conflict with our Code of Ethics should be reported in the first instance to the line manager or, where appropriate, his or her supervisor. Any employee may also report any failure to comply with the Code of Ethics to the CEO, a representative of the Management Team or Internal Audit without fear of retaliation or other negative consequences.
All reports of non-compliance with the Code of Ethics are properly investigated and appropriate action is taken where necessary.